Sixpoint was founded in 2004 (we like to say it was born at the dawn of civilization, though that’s a story for another time…) in the neighborhood of Red Hook, BKLYN. It was essentially a cult brewery — draft-only, mysterious, cryptic…
In 2010 we released our canned creations, and have been tweaking, improving, and releasing new formulations ever since. Then in May of 2017, we took our biggest step forward to date, releasing all of our ales raw and unfiltered, and simultaneously incorporating new and incredible raw materials obtained over years of sourcing.
Mad Science is the foundation of Sixpoint creativity and defines our formulation. It starts with a solid bedrock of scientific knowledge. Without that, well, it’s simply madness. From there you add a dose of unbridled creativity — free thinking that borders on insanity. The methods are chaotic, but the results are undeniable…
Our philosophy is demonstrated in our formulation. We don’t “reverse-engineer” beers to shoot at established guidelines, like, say, creating a brown ale. Instead, we visualize what a beer could be — how it could taste, smell, look, and feel — and then set out, through a blend of art and science, to create it. Our creativity is not shackled to style guidelines, because style simply has no guidelines. It’s Mad Science.
That’s bold, sure, but hear us out. Societies as we know them formed some 10,000 years ago, as agriculture replaced hunting and gathering. The creation of crude fermented beverages from grain, many historians argue, was one key reason for the abandonment of the nomadic lifestyle. So without beer we’d still be chasing the herds…
Then, realize that beer is a living thing, comprised of live cultures of microorganisms that create its many unique flavors. These living beers have long been downed at pubs, the classic meeting place outside the home — a nexus for anything from politics to music to arts. Sounds like culture to us.
The Sixpoint Star is an amalgamation of the Nautical Star and the German Brauerstern, two symbols deep in the Sixpoint DNA.
The Nautical Star is plastered around Red Hook, BKLYN, an homage to its hearty roots as a port town. It was an old sailor’s symbol, regarded in myth for its ability to guide ships home safely. The German Brauerstern was an ancient mark of quality for German Brewers, and the official symbol of the Brewer’s Guild, one of the first trade guilds in Europe.
Put the two together and you have a symbol of two-fold power… look for the Sixpoint Star to guide you directly to great beer.
Though commonplace these days, when we launched in 2010, craft beer in a can was a bit of an oddity. It’s based on sound science, however: if a keg is the best place to store beer, then a nanokeg surely is second.